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Picture of the month

2024 12   Merry Christmas!

This month I have chosen a more religious theme. The model is a Richter design, which is the altar on page 5 of the KK NF 11 building plan booklet. 
At the time I built all the KK patterns virtually using the AnkerPlan program. Set 11 is only four trays, containing only 583 stones, so it does not count as a bigger box.  Nevertheless, this was the design that caused me the most problems during the virtual build. I figured it was time to get the stones out and build it. On my first try, I just used the Richter paper, but failed at the top. I had to reach out for my own AnkerPlan plan. The quarter stone thickness level variations make it so difficult to interpret the historic plan that I used the computer version instead, where each stone has its number. The historical drawing caused disproportionately more headaches than reading the AP drawing.
The construction itself is not for the shaky handed builder. The stacked arches on the front section made me fear that the whole structure would crash before I put the roof ‘s stabilizing weight on top. It helped a lot that my stones were of good quality, with edges and corners intact. Think about it: the quarter thickness for KK stones is 5 mm...
You can probably easily build the model with GK stones using a larger set. I can recommend it to anyone who likes challenges. 
Merry Christmas to everyone!




