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Picture of the month

2025 3   Plans for small boxes

This month, I present a few building patterns for small boxes.
The interesting thing about these is that they were single sheets with models. 
That orphan sheet of paper was fragile, easily torn, lost in battle. The only way to fit a sheet into the tiny box was to fold it up several times. The old, delicate paper was torn along the folding line from all the opening and folding. 
The small cardboard box itself was very fragile, falling apart, its stones lost, and its fate often shared by the model sheet.
The larger boxes always contained the booklets of the smaller, precedent boxes in the series. This was not the case with the single-sided sheets. 
Those who have such small boxes should consider themselves very lucky. The sets have no real construction or playing value. The collector however is very happy to get his hands on one of these rarities.


I present two small caliber boxes, the KK AF 0A, the KK NF 0A, and the large caliber GK NF 0 Edlitz and Heinzelmännchen sets. 
The sheet of KK AF 0A shows that a careful hand has used transparent tape to repair the torn sheet. This will have to be restored by expert hands.


The KK NF 0A sample is a bit of a cheat because it is a reprint of a photograph of the original.


The sheet of GK NF 0 Edlitz shows very clearly that the paper is aged and yellowed, and I don't even put it in the box. I use a photocopy instead.


The Heinzelmännchen box was also missing the sheet, this is also a copy. Only a small piece of paper was put in this VEB era set.
